FARA is the Faculty Athletics Representatives Association, the professional association for faculty athletics representatives (FARs). FARA is the collective voice of faculty athletics representatives in all three NCAA divisions. It is FARA’s role to advocate for faculty athletics representatives and to represent their concerns at the national level. All NCAA FARs are automatically enrolled as members of FARA. An Executive Committee is elected to provide leadership to FARA which is governed by the FARA Constitution.
To clarify and articulate the role of the faculty athletics representative (FAR) on individual campuses;
To enhance the level of institutional support provided to FARs in their efforts to ensure academic integrity, institutional control and student-athlete welfare;
To provide orientation and professional development programs for FARs;
To offer a collective voice for FARs on intercollegiate athletics issues of national significance.
We believe that intercollegiate athletics is an integral part of the mission of the academic institution. We acknowledge the benefits of intercollegiate athletics, and we believe that intercollegiate athletics can bring many positive attributes to the collegiate community.
We believe that the well-being of the student-athlete is an essential concern of the university. We take seriously the FAR's responsibility to ensure that student-athletes are supported properly and treated fairly.
We believe that institutional academic integrity is essential. It is the FARs' role to ensure that the academic institution establishes and maintains the appropriate balance between academics and intercollegiate athletics.
We believe that conference academic integrity is essential. It is the FARs' role to advocate the appropriate emphasis on academics in the conference.
We believe that academic integrity must be a priority within the NCAA. It is FARA's role to advocate the appropriate emphasis on academics in NCAA discussions, NCAA committee decisions and NCAA member legislation.
We believe that FARA is the collective voice of FARs in all three NCAA divisions. It is FARA's role to advocate for FARs and to represent their concerns at the national level.
These FARA activities are particularly important because FARs devote very different amounts of time to their athletically-related tasks and confront very different job descriptions and support levels on their individual campuses. Because FARs typically serve with part-time and temporary appointments, they are especially in need of orientation and in-service training programs, and opportunities for interactions with their peers at other member institutions. Such support enables them to more effectively conduct their oversight, advisory and coordination responsibilities on their individual campuses and their broader governance responsibilities within athletics conferences and the NCAA.